General Guidelines
Example 1 10% District 10% Area Committee 30% GSO 50% Intergroup or Central Office |
Example 2 40% District 30% Area Committee 30% GSO |
Tradition Seven:
“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
It is up to each AA group to decide how to distribute contributions after expenses are paid and a prudent reserve is retained.
Question: How can groups participate?
Answer: To help support A.A.’s essential services, the General Service Conference suggests that individual groups, through an informed group conscience, adopt a specific contribution plan tailored to meet the group’s financial situation. Once the basic group expenses have been taken care of (rent, refreshments, A.A. literature, local meetings lists), and a “prudent reserve” has been set aside to cover unexpected expenses, the group may decide to further carry the message by sending money to the following A.A. service entities:
- District 12 on the Northshore – The local district, which communicates directly with the groups, providing the district group conscience for the area assemblies, and serving as a link between the area delegates and the G.S.R.s.
- Louisiana Area Assembly – The area committee, which coordinates vital A.A. activities over a broad geographic area; sends a delegate to the annual General Service Conference; holds area assemblies to determine the needs of the Fellowship; and provides information at all levels of service.
- Greater New Orleans Service Board (GNO) – The local intergroup or central office, which may provide phone service for the Twelfth Step calls and other inquiries; coordination of group activities; A.A. literature sales; institutions work; public information and cooperation with the professional community activities.
- General Service Office – A.A.’s General Service Office, which functions as a storehouse of A.A. information, communicating with members and groups in the U.S. and Canada, and sometimes around the world; publishes A.A.’s literature; and supplies information and experience to professionals and others interested in A.A.
AA’s “Self-Support Pamphlet: Where Money and Spirituality Mix” offers two examples on percentage splits for contributions, however, the percentages are wholly determined by each group per group conscience.
AA General Service Conference Approved Literature can be obtained here:
AA Online Store –
GNOSB – New Orleans Central Office – (504) 836-0507
638 Papworth Ave A, Metairie, LA 70005
“Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions” (B-2 *)
“Self-Support Pamphlet” (F-3 *)
* Item numbers for ordering
If you’d like to read more about AA finances download the PDF file here:
AA Guidelines Finance MG-15
Addresses for sending contributions to the primary service entities that directly affect our area.
** Make checks or money orders payable to entity name as listed
General Service Office **
P.O. Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407
Louisiana Area Assembly **
7350 Jefferson Hwy, Suite 485-179
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
District 12 on the Northshore **
P.O. Box 580
Mandeville, LA 70470
GNO Service Board **
638 Papworth Ave. Ste. A
Metairie, LA 70005-3123
Voluntary contributions or scholarship donations to District 12’s yearly AA convention can be sent to:
S.E. Louisiana Spring Roundup **
P.O. Box 4150
Covington, LA 70434